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 Introduce yourselves 

We're Peter and Tekky! Just your average boy next door gaysians living in Australia.

 How did you guys meet? 

We actually met for the first time in high school but we never actually talked to each other. One of those 'we knew about each other' in high school, but never even said hi to each other.


We then 're-met' at a friend's birthday where we started talking to each other. Bonding over the fact that we were both gay and used to go to the same high school, but only connected 10 years later despite both being open during high school.


 You are based in Australia. What is life like for LGBTQ+ people down under these days? 

Australia is amazing for queer rights. Ever since the Marriage Equality Vote life has become more open and free. You can see it by Melbourne/Sydney having their own mardi gras and pride marches every year.

 You share a lot of your life on social media. Is there any part of your life you would not share? 

Both yes and no. We are a fairly open couple where we naturally don't like to hide any truths to each other, but also to everyone else but we understand that there are things that social media and people don't want to know or hear about.

We may be your very lovey dovey couple on social media, but if you're a party gay you'll know there's a side to us that we don't show!

 Who decides what content you share? 

We both decide together. We always pass content to each other to do a final review before sharing. Peter usually has less of a filter, so Tekky steps up to save the account.

 How have your families reacted to your relationship? 

They both (now) are happy and understanding of the relationship and happy for us. Although the journey to get here was not an easy one. Peter came out to his family while he was engaged to his ex-husband, so they were hit with a big curveball one day. Tekky's parents however were more understanding although he never fully came out to then, he just slowly brought over his boyfriend until his parents got the jist.

 You recently posted a video about your Naked oil wrestling experience. How did that come about? 

We were in Burning Man, and one of our core philosophies is 'try everything'. So when we saw that one of the camps at Burning Man were organising a naked oil wrestling experience, we decided that it was just something that we had to try as a couple.


We asked all our friends to record the wrestling so that we could look back on it. It was very much later when we decided to start making YouTube videos that we would try talking about some of our crazy experiences we've been through as a couple to see if anyone out there found it interesting.

 How did you find the experience? 

It's definitely one of those things we pride ourselves in doing knowing that it's not something that most people would never try or even consider doing. We initially thought it would be very sexual but probably due to the fact that we are both very competitive, we only focused on winning instead of the fact that we were completely naked in front of a crowd of 50 people in the middle of a dessert.

 Where in the world do you want to travel to? 

Peter has never been to Europe but would love to see the Nordic countries and the Western beaches of Europe. Tekky has been all over the world since he used to have a Long Distance Relationship with a boy in the UK as well as doing a year of University there as well but wants to go glacial hiking in Canada.

 Any plans to visit the UK in the future? 

Perhaps next year when we go to Tomorrowland if we still have time. But there are just so many amazing locations in Europe that it's hard to do in just one trip and it doesn't help that Australia is almost as far as you can get away from the UK. Peter really wants to go partying in the UK though.

 What does the next 12 months look like for you both? 

We're putting all our focus on YouTube for now as well as some trips planned. Coming up for us are Hong Kong, EDC, and maybe Tomorrowland. We'll just have to wait and see.




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