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 What made you enter the competition ? 

After participating last year and ending as a runner up, I was encouraged to come back by the Mr Gay GB team, specifically CEO Stuart Hatton Jr. I found out this year that it was because the scores were so close between the top three, and that another year of hard work and experience was exactly what I needed to win the title. I also just had the best experience with all of the delegates and the team, created bonds that have turned into close friendships and family, and a network of people around the country that have seen what I can bring to others through my drag, which has helped generate work for me from the top to the bottom of the country!

 Now you have won what do you plan to do with the title?  

My main goal is raising awareness for many issues that my community face. As queer people we are constantly under scrutiny by the media, perpetuating negative stereotypes and scaremongering people into hatred and violence towards my us. The way people group an entire community together and paint us with the same brush based on (more often than not) one in hundreds of thousand cases is ridiculous. I want to invest my time into working with both of my fellow winners, Mr Gay GB Andy Gardiner regarding mental health awareness, and our Mr Gay World Paul Carruthers to champion and fight for trans rights. Of particular interest to me is exploring and discussing young people on the autism spectrum, and the struggles and issues they have navigating themselves socially and through their sexuality too.

 What did you have to do to win the competition? 

The competition is a lengthy process, it’s not just the stereotypical beauty pageant that some people may think it is. It’s about community, charity, and so many other factors. Were scored on multiple aspects, yes three runway looks are a part of this, but only a small part. The higher points lay within our charity fundraising efforts, a tally of audience votes across both social media and in person votes on the day, and a written exam. And I know what you’re thinking, “an exam!? For a pageant?!” and that is most people’s reaction. But this exam is a test of our knowledge of queer history, culture and current affairs both in this country and across the world that relate to our community and outside of us too. The Mr Gay GB team want to know that we can help educate people and change perspectives, and enlighten those who are unaware of a world beyond their day to day lives, things that don’t directly affect them.

 If there was someone out there thinking about entering  next year, what advice would you give them?  

Be prepared to put in the work. There was aspects of my performance last year that I wasn’t 100% happy with, I left thinking if I’d have just done this and that I may have won. So this year I dedicated more time to fixing the problems I had last year, and have been rewarded tenfold because of it, I mean I won the title, a NATIONAL TITLE?! And I’ve left with no regrets or what ifs because of that. And equally importantly, be yourself, and enjoy the ride! It’s a crazy journey but I wouldn’t change it for the world

 How do you like to relax?  

Funnily enough although it’s my job, I find the process of drag relaxing, once I’m settled at my gig and handed a microphone I feel at home, and the crowd always makes me feel so much love and adoration for what I do. Outside of that I enjoy walking my two dogs, who force me to get out of the house even when I don’t feel like it, and I always feel better for doing so. Spending time with my loved ones, friends and family, always reminds me that no matter how crazy things get, sometimes all it takes is hug and a chat, to ground me again and bring me back to normality.




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