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 How did you get into radio? 

I started university at Royal Holloway, with a plan to work in radio. I hadn’t heard of student radio when I started, and joined a meeting to set up a station. The person behind that graduated, and they needed someone to carry it on, so I stepped up. I was the first Station Manager of Insanity, ran it for 2 years and met a lot of industry professionals who armed me with skills to make it a career. I worked as a freelance producer in London, and then finally got offered a job at CFM in Carlisle to present evenings.

 What is the best thing about being on the radio? 

The connection with the audience. It feels personal. That is why radio is so unique. The covid pandemic demonstrated how important radio was in peoples lives. I carried on going to the studio presenting the show live. Television could re-run shows to fill schedules during the pandemic, but having a live presenter talking to that one listener every day, whilst there was so much uncertainty in the world felt like an important thing to do. After covid, the listening figures went up, and audience interaction increased hugely.

 You have been to several pride events. What is the best thing about pride? 

I think it’s the place where you can be yourself. It is of course always a protest. It’s important to remember that many people from the community in one place makes a statement, and that some people can’t wave a flag. It took me a long time to come to terms with my sexuality, so to have an event with people who all have their own tales is an amazing thing.

 How important are pride events to you? 

They are important. There are always people at different stages of their journey of discovering themselves. A Pride event allows everyone to be together, to know it’s ok to be different.

 Who is your favourite star or stars you have met/interviewed?

I have been lucky in that I have interviewed a lot of people. I was once rushed in to interview Taylor Swift last minute. We had a great chat, and at the end of the interview I was told I asked every question that was on her list of questions not to ask. Turns out she enjoyed the interview so much, she wanted to chat with me next time she was in London. At Brighton and Hove Pride I got to introduce Melanie C on stage, and it was cool to say hi to her!

 If someone reading this wants to get into radio what tips would you give them? 

Persistence. It’s really difficult. You need to get experience in community or student radio. Try and get an online presence on a social media channel. And listen to everything and learn. My Instagram DM’s are always open to offer advice.

 When you are not on the radio what do you like to do on your time off? 

I go to a lot of events and concerts. I like to travel. I have decided I haven’t seen enough of the UK so I am working on that! I also host a lot of events and do voiceovers. I am an expert at doing nothing. I can sit for hours with my own thoughts and be quite happy. That sounds odd, but when you spend your life talking in a room surrounded by screens, getting time to just be with yourself is a lush experience.


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